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Saint Hilaire du Harcouët, Basse Normandie, France

vendredi 25 avril 2014

Thank you to our pen friends !

Dear pen friends,

We are very happy !

We received letters from England and from the Czech Republic... on the same week !!

We are on holiday tonight but we will write soon !

Thank you very much for your letters !!

We discovered the letters from our friends with great pleasure !
In these photos, you can see the letters from our friends in Chocen, Czech Republic.

mercredi 23 avril 2014

Goodbye Kaleena !

Today was our last lesson with Kaleena, our foreign language assistant from Washington state, USA.

She is very kind and we were happy to work with her !

Thank you very much for your help !

Good luck !

We will not forget you !

lundi 21 avril 2014

Our week by the sea side

Dear penfriends,

Last week, we were by the sea side in Lancieux, in Brittany.
We had classes there : maths, French, Technology, English but also sailing ! It was fun.
Here are some photos...